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An aficionado of all things sweet, Tanya Thompson opened her own confectionery business, Thompson’s Tasty Treats, in 2018 to feed her passion for chocolate and cake. Here we talk to Tanya about running a business in this niche industry and what she’s learned as an entrepreneur.
Q1: Tell us about Thompson’s Tasty Treats?
Thompsons Tasty Treats produces customized chocolates, confections, and ice creams, in small batches. Everything is made-to-order, tasty and flavourful, and we cater to private events, special occasions and much more. Our mission is to create quality and delicious treats for communities that crave something new and exciting. I focus on flavours and evolving as an artist in this craft.

Q2: What inspired you to become a pastry chef and start your business?
I’ve been working since I was 16, and my love for the food industry runs deep. But my passion for pastry arts is endless. The different niches of edible art can stop people in their tracks from any part of the world. It wasn’t until I completed my Baking and Pastry Arts Management Program at Humber College that I realized I wanted to open a confectionery business with products that would make people come back for more.

Q3: What was your first step towards launching Thompsons Tasty Treats?
I started by creating my brand first. It’s important to devise your brand story, and what your customers should know about you. I wanted to build a strong brand that lasts a lifetime. I started by answering the question, “why should they believe in me?”

Q4: What has been your biggest success or earliest win in running Thompson’s Tasty Treats?
We’ve been given the opportunity to be a part of the Black Owned Food Market this May at Wychwood Barns in Toronto. This is a big win for me, because I get to express myself through my culture as well as introduce my artisan crafts.
Q5: What’s the most difficult thing about running a business?
My greatest challenge is that I’m still learning about business in general. I am always looking for ways to learn and grow.

Q6: What does a typical day look like for you?
Most mornings I am up before 6:30 am to organize the day ahead of me. I tend to focus on all the office work first, and then work on research and development. Other days I focus on production for orders.
Q7: What do you wish you knew before launching your business?
I wish I understood more about business. I am always trying to learn more by furthering my education, so I can get a better understanding about the industry I am in. Also, we always make mistakes, but if you don’t learn from your mistakes then you miss an opportunity to grow. Always leave room for growth!
Learn more about Thompsons Tasty Treats
Facebook: Thompsons Tasty Treats
Instagram: ThompsonsTastyTreats
Twitter: TsTastyLife
Website: www.ThompsonsTastyTreats.com
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